Feb - Nov 2021
MOD. North Terrace adjacent Morphett Street Bridge

IT’S COMPLICATED was MOD.’s fifth gallery exhibition, with 55,670 people coming to visit.
The Cell Invaders exhibit created with Arterial Design, and the Seahabillitation exhibit were both shortlisted for the 2021 MAGNA Temporary or Travelling exhibit Award.
If you didn’t get to visit IT’S COMPLICATED, you can explore our 360 video of the exhibition, or download and play Octopus Estate on your own device and re-live the memories.
Dynamic Interconnectedness. It’s complicated.
Actually, it’s complex.
Problems in complex systems are trickier to solve. Even well-thought out solutions can have unexpected and unintended consequences. Like trying to wipe out malaria but ending up with parachuting cats.
Join us to raise a Tamagotchi-inspired octopus, build robots and hack the immune system. IT’S COMPLICATED pulls back the curtain on the seemingly simple and reveals just how complicated, and complex, the world can be.