Ethos: Mining the Moon

6:00 pm 7:30 pm
20 Apr 2023
The Moon has been in humans’ cultural and spiritual consciousness since ancient times. In the current day, our relationship with the moon has changed. Space now signifies untapped potential, with both corporations and countries working on ways for humans to explore outer space.
In this Ethos Forum, we’re taking off. How do we decide what’s ethical off-Earth? And who is responsible for making those decisions?
Join us as we attempt to answer all these questions with help from Dr Ruchi Sinha, Assoc Prof Jenny Mortimer, and Dr Kristin Alford.
Free drinks and snacks provided.
What is Ethos?
Ethos is a place for you to have conversations about future-focused ethical issues relating to research, technological development and the broader social context. Each forum focuses on an object as the starting point.
Want more?
Come from 5:30pm and explore FLEX, the current exhibition at MOD. in which we think all about the ethics of our bodies, space, and society.
Ticket details