
My Week at MOD.

Posted 1 Jul

Jazmin Colombini

Written by Jazmin Colombini

I had been given the opportunity to have a peek behind closed doors of MOD. at UniSA through a short-term Work Experience Program. I was captivated by what the course had to offer and the new opportunities that would come to surface. I feel that my knowledge in the art world and community has expanded and I was pleased to work alongside the more than lovely people behind MOD.

Experiencing MOD. Behind the Scenes

On my first day I was pleasantly welcomed by the MOD. team, they introduced their names and what their position was. I worked in an office space called the MOD. Pod. The MOD. team were extremely helpful in guiding me through what it’s like to work with the team and the process it takes to ensure that the exhibitions run smoothly. I witnessed and worked alongside the hard-working team of MOD. and I was enlightened seeing the extensive efforts it took as a team to bring the exhibitions together.

A year 11 high school student such as myself is deeply passionate about the art industry and MOD. is all about expressing social issues in a hands-on interactive way, letting the people experience and understand through abstract technological art pieces. Through this program I explored how exhibition ideas were developed and the organisation and teamwork required for upcoming events. I participated in various meetings where marketing techniques, production and idea developments were discussed.

The goal at MOD. is to raise awareness towards social and economic matters in a trippy and abstract production using technology. The general age they want to influence the most is between 15 – 25 year olds, showing them a fun, educational and interactive approach to social and economic awareness.

The Gain

Through the Work Placement I got to talk to a diverse range of people from different cultures and beliefs and talk to them about the meaning behind the HEDONISM exhibitions and really improve my communication skills and customer service. I also opened new opportunities for myself. As a young student passionate about art and creating artworks I am always looking for new ways to explore the artist industry and MOD. gave me insight on teamwork and cooperation the team put in place to achieve high results and out-standing exhibitions.

Thank you to the MOD. team and the Moderators for giving me a chance to be a part of your team!

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